On Mon, 17 Nov 1997, Ranty wrote:

>       I have an slow link (33.600bps modem) so I can not go around downloading
> too many things, but I have the chance of getting all of it via ethernet, the
> problem is:
>       -I have to get it in about 300MB pieces. I mean, I have plenty of room
> in my computer, but the notebook I have to use to go around with the data only
> has 300MB of free space, maybe 350MB.
>       -I don't know how to download symlinks as the link and not the file they
> point to.

Well, assuming that you have in addition to this laptop a large-disk-space 
local machine that can do ethernet speed downloads (preferably a unix box 
with gnu split, but a dos/w95 box will do)

On the large-capacity ethernetted machine, go to the directory above the
hamm directory - this may be ftp.debian.org/pub/debian or
ftp.debian.org/pub/debian/hamm, depending on what you want.  Then ask for
"hamm.tar.gz" - this will take care of the symlink issue, assuming that
none of the symlinks in the hamm tree point outside the hamm tree.  Now,
on that large-capacity machine, use "split" to break up the large file
into chunks you can carry on your laptop.  (There are shareware dos
programs that do this - search for "split"; also note that some unix
"split" commands are designed to split text only - this won't corrupt any
files, it'll just make it difficult to specify exactly what size you want
things split into).  See the man page for options.  Once you get all the
split-produced files onto your home machine, you can then use "cat" to
reconstruct the original file - the command will be something like 
cat x* > hamm.tar.gz

Then untar (with 'tar -xvzf hamm.tar.gz') and do what you will...


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