> When booting from the rescue disk it finds ide0 at irq14 and ide1 at irq =
> 15 and all works OK, when booting via LILO or via the install process's =
> boot disk it finds ide0 at irq 7 and the md driver fails to load and the =
> boot process stops.
> Any suggestions ?

Yes, while the BIOS allows two IDE drives on different IDE busses, my
experience has found that most OS's don't like that arrangement. Try
re-arranging the hard drives like this:

Primary IDE bus:
first HD
second HD (or cdrom drive if only one HD)

Secondary IDE bus:
third HD  (or cdrom drive if only two HDs)
fourth HD (or cdrom drive)

Next, if the BIOS is a "plug 'n' pray" and the motherboard has the peripheral
controllers built-in, go into the BIOS. Look for the PCI/plug and pray menu
and go there. The submenu should allow you to lock IRQs by telling the BIOS
that they are "legacy" IRQs. Of course, save it and reboot.


Looks a good suggestion the BIOS is plug n pray, I'll change the BIOS setup and 
give that a try.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to read this mail until after I came back from my 
parents, so I'll have to try it in a few weeks.

Thanks for you help

Alex Monaghan

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