On Mon, 17 Nov 1997, Dima wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> >I received this last night:
> >
> >Excessive lack of response to LCP echo frames
> >connection terminated
> In /etc/ppp/options there's a number of lcp-echo* options.
> Comment them out.
> >What does this mean?  
> ppp sends out echo-requests to see if the link is up.  If it doesn't
> receive replies it assumes the link is down and terminates.  
> Some servers out there don't understand echo-requests, looks like
> your ISP has one of those.

For what it's worth, I get this after the other end has hung up because of
an idle timeout - for some reason pppd can't tell that the other end hung
up.  For me, then, it's important to have those lcp echo requests (well,
only in so far as I'd like my machine to know whether or not it's
connected).  I also sometimes get a "appear to have received our own
echo-request" error after the other end hangs up.

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