Bill Leach wrote:
> Receiving error messages such as the following:
>       Linux# dpkg --configure fvwm2
>        dpkg: error processing fvwm2 (--configure):
>        package fvwm2 is not ready for configuration
>        cannot configure (current status `installed')
>       Errors were encountered while processing:
>        fvwm2
>       Linux#
> are pretty much useless.  This sort of error message reminds
> me of Red Hat's RPM!
> What causes this sort of information free error message?
What it means is that fvwm2 is already configured.  A package that is installed
must of already been configured.

> Does dpkg honor the 'hold' status in the status file when it
> is placed there by dselect (that is when dpkg is run manually from the 
> command line)?
I don't believe so, I believe it changes it.

  - Craig

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