On Sun, 16 Nov 1997, Nathan A Pelton wrote:

> My HD is partitioned accordingly:
> 30mb for thr root directory /
> 450mb for /usr
> 50mb for swap space
> 1000mb for home directories /usr/local  
> 0mb for /tmp
> 40mb for /var  

>       I will be the sole user on this system.  Is there a better way to
> arrange these directories on the partitions?  

Once you have partition your disk, you can't change your setup that easy.
Symlinks can help to some extend.

>       I started dselect up and selected all and started the install
> process.  It installed everything to my root directory! :(  I was told by
> someone to mount the directories to the partitions.  How do I do this?

This was a optin during installation ("Mount initialised partition" or
such). First I'd check what setup you have.


will show you what partitions are mounted currently and how much space you
already used.

cat /etc/fstab

will show what partitions get mounted during boot.

fdisk -l

will show how you have partitioned your harddisk (0 MB for /tmp and 1000
MB for /home ? This can't be right).

Post the output from all three commands to the list, please.


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