> Is there any package that is good for DB diagrams (something close to a
> case program but just the for the diagrams) ?

MetaPost will draw fine diagrams.  The program is "mp" and is included
with teTeX.  It's language based (i.e., not an interactive drawing
program); unfortunately it's based on a brain-dead language.  It's
what Knuth's using for the diagrams in his new books.

Its benefits include nice typesetting, easy to include (postscript)
output in TeX, and it knows about connecting boxes with arrows so you
can move the boxes without losing the connection.

Its drawbacks include a language that is even more poorly-designed
than TeX, bad error messages, and lack of visual tools.  (Someone
should put the good concepts there into a proper programming

There's probably something better out there for what you need.

Pete Harlan

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  • Diagrams Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe
    • Pete Harlan

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