
Don't know about KDE, but.....

I believe an appropriate entry in /etc/rc5.d is where the debian package 
of xdm installs itself (I have an S99xdm entry there).  IIRC the debian 
package postinstall asks you if you'd like to log directly into xdm. It's 
a symbolic link to /etc/init.d/xdm.  That seems in turn to point to a 
binary (/usr/bin/X11/xdm) and a config file /etc/X11/config.  I lost the 
audit trail after that.  IIRC the debian package postinstall asks you if 
you'd like to log directly into X. I answered yes, then had to modify that 
config file to not start xdm when I broke my X-server.  My 
recommendation:  don't do this if your X-server is broken :-)

                                             hth, kevin  

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Will Lowe wrote:

> I'd like my system to come up running xdm or kdm.  What is the proper
> place to do this?  Right now I'm just logging in and doing "sudo kdm",
> but I've a feeling that there's probably a correct runlevel or something
> to do this in.
>                                                       Will
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |
> |                     http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/                   |
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |               You say "Love is a temple.  Love the higher law."        |
> |             You ask me to enter,  but then you make me crawl.        | 
> |               And I can't be holding on to what you got              |
> |                        When all you got is hurt.                     |
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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