On Wed, 12 Nov 1997, Andrew Akins wrote:

> Two questions:
> Can the JDK.1.1.1 package be installed on the stable (bo) distibution,
> or will it only work with the unstable (hamm). And if it only works on
> the unstable, has anyone had any luck just installing 1.1.1 from the
> Java-Linux ftp site?

I use it (the 1.1.3 jdk package) just fine on my bo system.

> How about the Netscape4 package? Will it work with stable or do you need
> unstable.

Ditto.  Now know that the netscape4 Debian package merely installs
netscape, it doesn't actually contain netscape; you still have to download
the appropriate file from netscape and place it in /tmp.


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