after a horrendous crash on my hamm box (cause of which I've yet to ascertain), I'm left with some files like this on my disk:
07/8F: total 396246198 br-sr-S--x 1 26912 25646 111, 99 Mar 12 1995 000018F7 07/99: total 817377432 br-sr-S--x 1 27760 27695 124, 124 Mar 22 1987 00001997 0B: total 1 drwxr-xr-x 2 proxy proxy 1024 Nov 10 11:47 C9 0B/C9: total 934689592 cr-Srws-wT 1 30511 12142 54, 50 Dec 18 2024 00000C9B ...etc, etc. They're part of the squid proxy cache, which i had to remove and recreate. Can't rm -f these files, though. I'm a little concerned that my (admittedly unstable) box should be so unstable. I'm guessing that softdog / watchdog rebooted the system, but I don't know what caused user space to freeze yet... :( -TL -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .