James Dietrich wrote:
> Sorry to answer my own post, but I figured out a solution to the
> problem:
> Put the following script in some directory such as /usr/bin and
> while you are at the messed up terminal, type
>        cat /usr/bin/fixvt.sh
> if /usr/bin is the path to the file and fixvt.sh is its name. 
> That should clear things up.
> I found this on http://www.lsl.com/forum/fixvt.html some time ago
> and used it to clear a terminal that got messed up by catting a
> binary file.

Try typing 

        stty sane

even if you don't see the echo of your output.
If it doesn't work well try prefixing and following it with Ctrl-J:

        ^Jstty sane^J

it should work.
Let me know

| Pluto Leader - Debian Developer & Happy Debian 1.3.1 User - vi-holic
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