Charles Read wrote: > > I'v installed Debian 1.3 on an AMD-K6 platform. > My Xserver, XF86_S3V, starts out fine and autodetects > the chipset used for my Nitro 3D (S3 ViRGE/GX). > In the /etc/X11/XF86Setup, I specify in the Pointer > section a protocol of "IntelliMouse" and a device > of "/dev/ttyS0". However, the mouse cursor does > not respond or move. I get the same behavior for > all four possible setups with protocols "Mouse" and > "IntelliMouse" and devices "/dev/ttyS0" and "/dev/ttyS1". > > What's wrong?
That isn't a Microsoft serial mouse by any chance, is it? Revision 2.1A? (Check the bottom of the mouse to be sure). There was a thread recently on this describing the exact same symptoms, in which the problem was tracked down to this. I verified this by exchanging mice with the original poster, since his office is 3 doors down from mine :-) The only fix I have heard of is exchanging the mouse for another one. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .