I'm a Linux newbie who's tired of buying more outbuildings at the Gate$ estate. I'm planning to build a dual boot Linux/NT system. The NT and Linux systems will be on separate SCSI drives. I'd like to keep NT entirely on NTFS.
Questions: . Do I need a small FAT (1-2MB) partition in order to do this? . Which order should the system be built? . Which bootloader should I use? (NT or LILO) Thanks in advance! Glenn Scherb Programmer/Analyst Midwest Research Institute 425 Volker Boulevard Kansas City, Missouri 64110 Phone: (816)753-7600 x1806 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .