On Tuesday 03 Dec 2002 9:43 pm, Darryl L. Pierce wrote:
> On 2002.12.03 16:35 Bruce Park wrote:
> > Just exactly what is blackdown java? Is this java2 from sun? I
> > installed j2sdk1.3 when I was in Redhat but since I converted, I'll
> > need to install the appropriate software.
> > Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated.
> Sun has their implementation of the JDK/JRE for Linux. In addition,
> there's an implementation available from blackdown.org which was
> available before Sun's.

Its also based on suns source code, with some linux specific enhancements, bug 
fixes and comes in debian installable form by adding this to you 

deb ftp://ftp.mirror.ac.uk/sites/ftp.blackdown.org/java-linux/debian/ unstable 
main non-free

Then install : j2re1.3 j2sdk1.3 if using woody, or j2re1.4, j2sdk1.4 if using 
unstable. 1.3 wont work on stable, although it will probably install, and i 
dont know whether or not 1.4 works on woody.


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