On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, Gerhard Olejniczak wrote:

> Hello!
> Recently I changed from S.U.S.E 4.4 to Debian 1.3.1. I think it was a
> good decision but I have one problem.
> If there are java-applets or java-scripts which are sent to my PC 
> netscape hangs or dies while running them. With my old
> Linux-distribution all works fine. I have the same kernel (kernel
> 2.0.29) and the same netscape (3.0 gold) with the same preferences.
> I have tried kernel 2.0.30 and netscape 3.01 but the result is the same.
> Has anybody an idea how I can solve the problem? How can I get
> error-codes or messages that can help solving? When netscape dies I have
> no chance to read any message in the status line and when it hangs there
> is no message.
> I would be very happy if anybody can help me.
> Gerhard
> PS. Excuse me if I have sent this twice. Don't know.

I _think_ I had the same problem as you - I don't remember Netscape
hanging, exactly, but java just wouldn't work at all - netscape simply
opened up a blank spot on the page and gave some error warning that made
no sense.  Anyway, the way I fixed it was to replace the symbolic link
found at /usr/bin/X11/netscape with the following script:
export MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/netscape
exec /usr/lib/netscape/netscape

Now before I'd try this, I'd see if doing the following from an xterm
results in a netscape that doesn't die on java:
export MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/lib/netscape

Of course, this all assumes that you've installed netscape using the
Debian installer package - if not, the appropriate value for MOZILLA_HOME
will be different.


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