On Thu, 23 Oct 1997, Vladislav Papayan x285 wrote:

> Hi 
> I just upgraded to the latest unstable (libc6) stuff.
> Including October 18 version of gcc -- now
> every time I try to compile anything I get sig 11
> and interneal compiler error.

sig11 = almost always hardware related memory problems.

> Also tar -zxpvf on many files that I have returns
> an error that CRC check failed (it worked ok on those packages
> before). Downgrading tar to the previous (non-libc6) version
> still has the same problem.

Probably the same cause too.

> Now, I also changed my 486DX4-100 to Cyrix P200+ 6x86L
> (my kernel was built for x386) -- can it be the cause
> of all my problems?

Do you want to bet on it?

I don't know very much about Cyrix cpu's and their compatibility issues,
did you get a new motherboard as well or did you just swap the cpu's and
changed timings on the motherboard? Try to experiment with setting them to
very conservative settings and see if that solves your problem. If not,
consider getting a good motherboard.


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