Andrew Brigham wrote:
> hello,
> well I've went through some considerable pains to install the latest samba
> on my system.... its there... everything seems to be working fine (seems to
> be) the client can see the server the server and the client like to talk
> back and forth... however when it comes to the issue of passwords... it no
> longer like me....
> I'm running shadow passwords... I have netatalk already installed for the
> MacIntoshes on my system and I'm also running quotas. Does anybody have any
> suggestions... I have tried every step in the "Diagnosing Samba"
> documentation and I always get a failure of password... I have changed and
> tried my password in upper and in lowercase letters etc. etc. etc.    does
> anybody else have this problem or am I the only one?

> Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 1.9.17p2]
> first SMBtconX failed, trying again. ERRSRV - ERRinvnetname (Invalid network
> nam
> e in tree connect.)
> SMBtconX failed. ERRSRV - ERRinvnetname (Invalid network name in tree
> connect.)
> Perhaps you are using the wrong sharename, username or password?
> Some servers insist that these be in uppercase

Am I to infer from the message above that you're having difficulty only with
smbclient, not when accessing a share from a M$ box? Are you trying to talk
to a computer running NT 4.0 with service pak 3?

Jens B. Jorgensen

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