On Mon, 20 Oct 1997, Jason Bauer wrote:

> Thanks for the alias settings help and the quick response! I've got
> another question while i'm thinking of stuff. I used to run Slakware
> linux until I heard about how much better Debian is. In Slakware, when I
> did an ls it showed all of the files in colors according to their type,
> while Debian does not. Where do I change it to display in color?

Add into that list of aliases that you're setting in your .bashrc:
alias ls='ls --color=tty'
alias ls='ls -F --color=tty'

The Slackware system I used to have access to has disappeared (actually,
it became a FreeBSD box), so I can't check which one of those emulates the
behavior of ls on Slackware better - with the '-F' one gets a '/' appended
to directory names, a '*' appended to the names of executables, etc.  I
seem to remember that Slackware did that, but you might not want to do it
since always having a '-F' in ls can screw up things like:
ls | grep 'tar.gz$'
which would now only find those files ending in tar.gz that were not

Oh, and you probably want --color=tty and not --color.  To see the
difference, do the following on a directory with many colored files:
alias ls='ls'
ls --color
ls --color | less
ls --color=tty
ls --color=tty | less

You might also want to play around with the environment variable LS_COLORS
- 'man ls' for details.

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