        From the kernel-package README file:

Before you go any further, please allow me to point out that you need to
have a few other packages installed before you can compile your own kernels
(it is difficult to compile anything without a compiler ;-). 

Firstly, you will need gcc, the libc development package (libc5-dev at
the time of writing), and, on Intel platforms, bin86. [If you use the
menuconfig target of make, you will need ncursesX.X-dev, and make xconfig
also requires tkX.X-dev, and other packages these depend on]

The packages suggested are:
devel:        gcc, libc5-dev, binutils, make, and, for intel x86 platforms,
              bin86 (non-Intel platforms don't need this).
interpreters: gawk.
base:         gzip, shellutils, and grep.

Of course, pretty gui front ends to kernel configuration require more
packages, but they are not strictly essential (though quite nice really). 

Oh, and of course, make-kpkg is part of kernel-package, usually found
in section misc.

 For the Brave and the impatient:
1% cd <kernel source tree>
2% make config   # or make menuconfig or make xconfig and configure
3% make-kpkg clean
4% make-kpkg -r=custom.1.0 kernel_image
5% dpkg -i ../kernel-image-X.XXX_1.0_<arch>.deb
6% shutdown -r now # If and only if LILO worked or you have a means of
                   # booting the new kernel. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

 "Just once I'd like to meet an alien menace that isn't immune to
 bullets." The Brigadier, Doctor Who
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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