On Mon, 13 Oct 1997, R Chris Ross wrote:

>       I have been having a problem that has now gotten really bad with the 
> new Netscape 4.03.  When I am using X and change to one of the other 
> virtual terminals then come back to X the server shuts down and I end 
> up back at the xdm prompt.  It is almost guaranteed to happen with 
> Netscape 4.03 and sometimes with tkmail.  It is rare if there are 
> only xterm or rxvt sessions running.  Any ideas would be great.  
> Thanks for the help.
>               Chris

Have you looked to see what's in .xsession-errors after this problem
happens?  Don't log back in via xdm, as that would zero it out; switch to
a text console, log in, and copy the .xsession-errors file to some other
name so that it won't be overwritten next time you log on via xdm.


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