Hi this is the owner of the orginal message.  We have told it that alt+O
to be undefind.  We have stopped all access accept the menubar.

On 7 Oct 1997, Curtis Brown wrote:

> Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > One way I've heard to do this is start up netscape with a geometry that puts
> > the menubar off the top of the screen. Set up the window manager so windows
> > cannot be moved (or run w/o a window manager). If they can't click on it,
> > they can't use it. :-)
> But can't they still use the keyboard equivalents?  For example with
> the menubar off the screen, I can type Atl+O and then enter a URL of
> my choosing.
> Regards,
> Curt
> --
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