I recompiled my kernel, and must have turned off (or turned to modules) the required pieces to read my hard drive @ boot time.

Both of the other heretofore bootable kernels on the machine (all 2.4.18) result in the same error during the boot process, and booting from A: results in a similar message.

Because of some bad backups, I really need to recover the informaiton, if there is no software/command_line solution, what should I do?

Debian 3.0 woody/stable, ATA HD

Error for all three kernels

NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.

ds: no socket drivers loaded!

request_module[ide_disk]: Root fs not mounted

hda: driver not present

VFS: Cannot open root device "301" or 03:01

Please append a correct "root=" boot option

Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:03


trying from a (2.2.x) boot floppy results in

request_module[block-major-3]: root fs not mounted

VFS: Cannot open root device "" or 03:03

Please append...

Kernel Panic..





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