--- Marc Fleureck wrote:
Does somebody know what cards are compatible and give good 
performance ? Is e.g. Matrox a good choice (say Matrox Mystique or 
Matrox Millenium) ? What's the difference between Matrox Mystique and 
Matrox Mystique ii ?
--- end of quote ---
I think Matrox is a good choice, though you do have to be careful.  Current
support is excellent for the Millenium and the Mystique, alpha / early-beta
level for the Millenium II, and this is the first I've heard of the Mystique
II.  You need XFree86 3.3 for the Millenium or the Mystique and XFree86 3.3.1
for the beta driver for the Millenium II.  The Matrox / XFree86 home page at
http://www.bf.rmit.edu.au/~ajv/xf86-matrox.html leads me to believe that you
would be better served by a Millenium or Mystique if you need this now, as the
support for the newer cards will be a while in coming.  That also indicates
that newer Millenium I's have problems (revision 3), so caveat emptor there,

The Millenium is a faster card, with better expandability, if all you are going
to do is Linux and X Windows.  If you also want to do dos games or Win95 games,
get the Mystique instead, as it has better 3D support. 
http://www.matrox.com/mgaweb/home.htm is the Matrox web page, and they say that
they just cut prices on their whole product line, which should be good news.  I
don't have a Mystique, but I do know that the Millenium driver is the current
speed king in X servers (1 million x-stones on xbench!)

I've been very happy with my Millenium and recommend it strongly.

Stephen Ryan               Debian GNU/Linux 1.3
Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College

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