-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- On Fri, 29 Aug 1997, David Wright wrote:
> Having got my debian pine 3.96 working correctly, the university has > upgraded their IMAP server from a beta version to a production version. The > effect is that my client can no longer read the inbox correctly. I get > various access errors and bogus times of 0/0/70 0:0:0 +0000. Without the > debug files, it's difficult to pinpoint what's going on, and I get no > help from the server end as pine is not supported. However, their pine > 3.91 client does seem to work, so for the time being I shall give up on > the debian version, unless someone has already encountered this problem > and can suggest a fix. If there is anybody interested, here is the recipe to build a "debugging pine": Get the Debian sources (.orig.tar.gz, .dsc and .diff.gz) and unpack them as usual: dpkg-source -x pine_3.96L-3.dsc Now you have to decide whether you want a "debugging pine" or not. For a debugging pine, just modify pine-3.96L/pine/makefile.lnx so that the line saying "DEBUG= ..." reads like this: DEBUG= -g -DDEBUG After that, the .deb packages may be created in the usual way, just go to the pine-3.96L directory and type: debian/rules binary This will take about half an hour on a 486-66 (the machine I have). I understand this recipe may not be "self-evident". Would things be better if I make "debian/rules binary" to display a little message saying exactly which file have to be patched? (it already stops to warn the user that the .deb's should not be distributed). Thanks. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3ia Charset: latin1 iQCVAgUBNAnhVCqK7IlOjMLFAQEeJQP/T4XLaCgHZye8fTdfqbQkEo7x+C3lNmvJ zWA1K+oR5qTVw1tPkL3gqSdxsGSZoEmj5QmhyXrLkiY9lW0ebPnMizOkR4PDuSA4 MqBPm9N1vBZxiWMke28hZAEaAC2G0reYvJm5fUnMen1hAufmR4fKCH4mtgZ/B+1Y nB+oM3J1B9w= =/tDx -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .