> Hi !
> Now i'm beginnig to love my Linux ! (because everything works fine 
> now!)
> But, I would like a better browser than Lynx, and I was thinking 
> about Netscape. I found this file:
> ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/navigator/3.01/unix/unsupported/netscape-v
> 3 01-export.x86-unknown-linux-elf.tar.gz
> But when I unzip/untar it to a directory, and type "netscape", I just 
> the "no such file or directory" thing. Do I need to install it before 
> I can use it ? In the README file, they tell howto 
> installed/configure it on Sun etc...

The best way to install netscape is to copy above file to your /tmp
directory and have _debian_ package called "netscape" installed.
(This one is from contrib)


Alex Y.

> Regards,
> badpixel of bad sector
> michael legart
> ----------------------
> NEW icq uin -> 2565176
> ----------------------

 _( )_
(     (o___           +-------------------------------------------+
 |      _ 7           |            Alexander Yukhimets            |
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