> #!/bin/bash
> pppd connect 'chat -v "" ATDT6804500 CONNECT "" Username: daedalus
> Password: xxxxxxx Selection: 1' /dev/cua1 38400 crtscts modem defaultroute
> Please if anyone can help Email me and if I forgot to add anything let me
> know.

Why don't you use the supplied /etc/ppp.chatscript and
/etc/ppp.options_out?  Also, /dev/cua1 is obsolete device name,
use /dev/ttyS1 instead. Anyway, if chat dials and have connected
(you may check that by 
   tail /var/log/messages
), I still see one thing missing -- in case you have PAP authorization you
still have to append your /etc/ppp/pap-secrets with the following line:

daedalus * xxxxxxx                 

(substitite xxxxxxx for your password)

and add the following command line options to pppd:

user daedalus

Hope this helps.

Alex Y.

 _( )_
(     (o___           +-------------------------------------------+
 |      _ 7           |            Alexander Yukhimets            |
  \    (")            |       http://pages.nyu.edu/~aqy6633/      |
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  • PPP Help Wayne McLemore
    • Alex Yukhimets

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