Dear linux user:
I copy pppoe , and other related file in
formatted cd-rw disk in window xp by easy cd creator , so that I just drap and
drop the pppoe.deb files to my cd-rw. After I change os to linux 2.2.18,
the aunto mount see three different file names
called autorun.inf and some otherthings. so I
umount and mount -t vfat /dev/cdrom /cdrom
mount -t ntfs /dev/cdrom /cdrom
linux all response worng fs type, can not see
content of cd
highly appreciate your help and time
sincer Eric
- Re: how to let linux(2.2.18) read the cd-rw-disk formate... eric
- Re: how to let linux(2.2.18) read the cd-rw-disk fo... nate
- Re: how to let linux(2.2.18) read the cd-rw-disk fo... Shawn Lamson
- RE: how to let linux(2.2.18) read the cd-rw-disk fo... Andrew R Reid
- Re: how to let linux(2.2.18) read the cd-rw-dis... Sridhar M.A.
- RE: how to let linux(2.2.18) read the cd-rw-disk fo... Wathen, Metherion