On Fri, 29 Aug 1997, Remco Blaakmeer wrote:

> Today I tried to install xemacs, but I haven't been successful in running
> it. First, I tried to install the packages xemacs19_19.15-3.1.deb and
> xemacs19-support_19.15-3.1.deb from hamm, since I have been following the
> hamm tree for a while now. But instead of a nice program, I got this:
> $ xemacs
> xemacs: can't resolve symbol '__sigsetjmp'

I just ran into this problem myself.  The problem for me was upgrading
the package compface from 89.11.11-9 to 89.11.11-10.  Downgrading back
to the original solved the problem.  The problem might be that the new
compface is compiled for libc6.

Jean Pierre

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