On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Colin R. Telmer wrote:

> Does anyone know how to set up a Deskjet 870 Cxi with magicfilter (or
> anything else for that matter)? Cheers, Colin.
> Ps. I have no desire for color - could I just use the 550 filter?

The Ghostscript printer compatibility web page suggests the cdj850 driver,
but this is non-standard and is not compiled into the Debian package. It
also says the ljet4 and cdjmono work for the 870Cse in b/w, so you might
try them, although the cdj550 may work.  There shouldn't be any risk in
giving any of these a try.

(This web page is at http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/printer.html)

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