On Sun, 10 Aug 1997, Sue Campbell wrote:

> I wanted the Gimp so I did some updating from unstable.
> I missed libncurses3.4 though. My machine was left in an
> crippled state (couldn't ftp out) so I thought I'd boot into
> windoze to get the .deb. Unfortunately when booting back into Linux,
> even in single user mode, I get 'sh: can't load libncurses.so.3.4'
> and can't log in. Tried a known good rescue disk and that gives me
> the same problem.

The rescue disk should work.  Make sure your's isn't trying
to boot from or mount any partitions from your hard disk.
If it does, you should recreate the rescue disk from the
Debian installation disk set.

Once the rescue disk is working, mount the hard disk
and simple copy libncurses to /lib.

Jean Pierre

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