> OK. If this helps just one person I think it's worth typing up. I welcome
> any suggestions of things I may have missed fixing or cleaning up.

Thank you very much. 

Hmmm, this looks rather complicated and time consuming. I which there
would be an easier way... I am always thinking wether it is enough to
get libreadline working and to try if the system might boot then

Once I am in and once I can at least run dpkg from a console I might
be able to get at least that base packages to work again.

Geee... I am looking for a way to fix this broken system without
sitting ours upon it.

Richard Morin told me to look at /etc/inetd.conf and to copy the
backup of this file back and he told me that this should help me to
get into the system. But that I thought this problem is libreadline
related cause of the error messages that librealine.so.2 could not be

Hmm at least that will teach me not to use an unstable distribution
once again on a system I need for work. (It at least should tell me

|_| _ |o _  _  Martin Steigerwald
| |(/_||(_)_>  http://home.pages.de/~helios

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