Dean Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Does anyone know of any problems with Leafnode ?  It doesn't appear to get
> a full chunk of news when fetch runs ...  Here's a sample session from a
> logged in session as news :
> [log-file removed]
> After running it the first time, I immediately ran it again.  It seems to
> downloading articles multiple times, and not continuing on to other
> groups.  I have about 15 groups in the interesting.groups list ...
> The only change I made to /etc/leafnode was to up the maxfetch to 4000.

What version of leafnode do you have installed?  The current version
is 1.4-1 which needs libc6.

Check if the /var/lib/leafnode/groupinfo file has the correct permission:

        -rw-r--r--   news     news       

The /var/spool/news directory should have
        drwxr-sr-x   news     news

Take a look at /var/log/messages too, maybe leafnode complains about
anything.  You need to use a news reader to startup the leafnode
server program (or telnet localhost nntp).


"What a depressingly stupid machine"
                              The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
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