On Fri, 1 Aug 1997, Paul Tanner wrote:

> What's the magic incantation?
> My machine finds the CD, gets to the " boot: " prompt.  Then it reboots
> (after each of my many guesses).  I have sucessfully installed by booting
> from floppy, but I'm still curious.
> BTW I have an Intel Zappa board, and my CD is /dev/hdc.

There may be something you need to do in your BIOS setup but read on
before you get your hopes up.

I have seen the same type of behavior on several machines. A proper
bootable CD actually provides a standard floppy image for the BIOS to use
for bootup. If the machine boots a rescue floppy with the same image then
you would think the code on the image is properly written.

I can take one of my CD products to various machines and get results that
fall into 4 basic categories:

1) Nothing. The hardware/BIOS probably won't boot any CD. This could be a
BIOS setup problem or a hardware problem (drive is not really

2) LDLINUX line appears and system resets. (infinite loop)

3) LDLINUX line appears and system resets when I press enter.

4) Image boots just like a floppy and zero floppy installation is fine.

On systems that exhibited behavior 2 and 3 above I have been able to
install using msdos. A msdos floppy with the appropriate msdos cd drivers
was booted. I changed to the e: drive, changed to the boot directory and
typed boot<enter>. The kernel loaded and rescue/install menu came up. From
there I was able to perform a complete install without additional

I could be wrong, but I think that some of these machines are needing a
BIOS upgrade. If installation from floppy or msdos didn't work either, I
wouldn't be so suspicious. My experience has been that the same CD boots
fine on 1 machine and not on another. Because of this, I am not buying any
new motherboards without testing the CD boot capability.

If there is a easy solution to this problem, I would love to hear about

+ Paul Wade                         Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.greenbush.com/ +
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