-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- On Sat, 2 Aug 1997, Alexander Koch wrote:
> Aug 2 09:25:19 cephyr icmplogd: destination unreachable from > cephyr.cid-net.de > Aug 2 09:25:40 cephyr icmplogd: destination unreachable from > cephyr.cid-net.de > > There're two routes going out. default is the router and the other is the > subnet. What is wrong here? What is unreachable? These message are beging generated becasue you have the iplogger package installed. The iplogger package sets the interfaces into promiscuous mode and log any unusual ICMP, TCP or UDP packes that it sees. Destination unreachable _could_ be a sign of a problem, but if when you check things you find that you still have connectivity then what is most likely happening is that someone running traceroute - traceroute generates a lot of destination unreachable packets [or is that port unreachable?] Another possiblity is that of your machines has got the wrong subnet mask - - if you know how to, I'd run tcpdump and log the ICMP packets and see where cephyr is replying to, and then check that machine. Anand. - -- `When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression no matter how holy the motives' -- Robert A Heinlein, "If this goes on --" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3ia Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBM+SivmRmcAD8BdppAQHUzAQA3qX0GSX24b9e1GgKui7F2R9WzEt76lfG q4frg3RxewR+DtLWNMM8Fy08i11MHjg4qEaN9xzucHcN8BfbSMgkGZG8IL7CHfuc RrLPDToTx+4ZGxAQiet53y2/G3Qq48a/TD2xijQNf8uNDSTf5wMSLKOVTDVoX8eg fYT0Pb4yOYM= =4t/p -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .