On Sun, 3 Aug 1997 12:27:45 +0700 (GMT-7), Udjat -A MiB wrote:

>On Sun, 3 Aug 1997, Dave Cinege wrote:
>> I had this same problem with both a Zyxel Omni TA, and Elite 2864i. Drove me
>> and my ISP crazy for a few days. My machine gun redialing manged to bring 
>> down his whole net....it was not a pretty sight. (And we still don't know 
>> why)
>> We watched the flow with tcpdump and the LCP simply doesn't get past the TA.
>> pppd sends a request....he would see it, his hardware would answer. Then 
>> pppd
>> would send another request with the same serial # (since it never received a
>> responce from the first), and this would go one until the time-out and 
>> redial. Weird....
>Did you ever figure out a solution? 

Yeah, turn it off  : <

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