On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 10:17:39PM -0600, John Foster wrote:
> Thorsten Haude wrote:
> >* Gregg & Monica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [02-11-30 17:56]:
> >>I need to know if my computer can support debian....and I need to
> >>knwo if it will support the gui...here are my computers info...
> >>
> >>[Information about system]
> >
> >There is no way somebody can garuantee that Debian will work. Just get
> >it and try to install it, it's cheap.
> Newer is not always better. I would advise trying a version of Debian 
> like potato or possibly older which was developed for the age of machine 
> you have and will more likely run on it.

Only if you aren't connecting it to the Internet. potato is still
supported by the security team, but probably not for all that much
longer (in relative terms); slink and older are no longer supported and
will almost certainly contain security holes.

Colin Watson                                  [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

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