On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Renzo wrote:

> Since getting my CheapBytes cd last week (v1.3.1), I have been trying to
> install the s3 server (Diamond Sleath 64, Trio64 2meg) with dselect.
> During the setup and compile process the following error message comes
> up: ldconfig:warning:can't open /usr/x11r6/lib/libice.so.6 skip
>        "       "      "     "   /usr/x11r6/lib/libxext.so.6  skip

This sometimes happens during the installation of a package with
dselect.  I haven't noticed it causing problems.

> and Xwindows will not come up...now if I use XF86Setup to config I can
> setup the server but no luck running it using startx, xdm etc. I only
> way I have found up to this point is to uninstall the x lib and server,
> and re-install and X will work but in B/W only, xdm and xbanner is
> non-op. I must be over looking something simple here, any ideas? TIA,

What error messge do you get from startx?

Jean Pierre

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