And David R. Kohel spake, saying:
> I chose not to start xdm at the initial configuration because my 
> laptop has an unsupported (by XFree86) video card (Neomagic), and 
> I needed to set up Xinside's (= Xi Graphics now) server.
> Now I try to run xdm and it doesn't start.  I have a xdm-start 
> line in my /etc/X11/config and on boot it reports that it is 
> starting up xdm.  Manually `xdm start` or `xdm` do nothing. 
> What else do I need to configure?
> David

I had an identical experience setting up my 1.3 system:  I chose not to
enable xdm until after I had hand-tested my X config.  Then when I tried
to start it manually, it failed in the manner that you describe.

After fruitlessly looking at all of the xdm config files I could find, I
ended removing and reinstalling the xbase and xserver-svga packages.  A 
bit heavy-handed, but it got the job done.

In retrospect, I _think_ the problem was that the /etc/X11/xdm/Xserver
wasn't configured correctly.  I seem to recall seeing a
'debian-not-configured' comment in there before I did the reinstall.
I'm not at my debian system right now, but I'll take a look at this
tonight and see if I can reproduce the problem by tweaking this file.

Good Luck!

Wesley Hart

        A lot of people say I'm cynical.
        But then they would say that, wouldn't they?

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