On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, dada wrote:
> I instaled "bind" pakage to make an DNS server to my local area network > (to learn how setup it). > > Before install it, Netscape works fine. But now,ie: when I open and web > page in my hardisk,Netscape don't work fine (it wait too much time and I > have to kill it,becouse it newer open that page). If I stop the deamon > "named" and re-run Netscape,it works fine. > > I supose that's a problem due to DNS server, thus I want know how can I > say to DNS server the IP/name of the computers that are into the local > area network? > > I just installed "bind" pakage and say it that DNS server is in my own > computer. You'll need to read the documentation on bind or the excellent O'Reilly books on the subject. At minimum, you'll need to define a named.hosts file. Test your configuration with nslookup. -- Jean Pierre -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .