Hi Alan,

I may have the answer.  I have my "visible name " set to that of my ISP
which is cleo.murdoch.edu.au.  This means that all replies get sent to the
right place.  It took me a while to get the right combination in the
config and I made a note of how I did it for future reference.

elm $> cat /etc/smail/notes
smail configured thus:

yes, an internet site
no smarthost

then /etc/smail/config edited to remove cleo from 'hostnames='

Short, simple and effective.
Lindsay Allen   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 2486    modem +61 8 9364-9832      32S, 116E

On Sat, 26 Jul 1997, Alan Eugene Davis wrote:

> I have given it another shot.  Mail escapes me.  I now have to ask for
> help on this.  Mail must be my nemesis, as it took six months to get
> it right on my now defunct former system (as some readers may remember?).
> I have run the smail setup script, a couple of times, and think I have
> more or less reached the limits of choices in my case (?).  I am using
> an ISP over a dialup ppp link, sporadically.
> I can send mail to another user on my box ok.  I can send mail and
> receive mail from other places, and I receive this list fine.  But I
> cannot send mail to another user whose address is on the same
> mailserver (the ISPs).  
> I am using smail.  I tried sendmail, but didn't understand how to make
> it work.  
> I use emacs VM to read mail.  I suppose there is a possibility that I
> could send mail out using the emacs smtpmail utility, but this seems
> pretty much a kludge.
> Thanks for any advice.
> Alan Davis
> Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands.
> --
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