This was: Spamassassin Config Questions, as it originated after I
installed spamassassin. But I'm splitting it off now for 2 reasons.
1) Cause it's sort of it's own problem now.
2) Testing to see if it causes another bounce.

My email headers look like this in mutt prior to hitting "y" to send
this email.
      To: Debian User List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: Bounced Message but still sent to list
     Mix: <no chain defined>
     PGP: Sign
 sign as: <default>


> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Could someone tell me why this bounced? This didn't start until I
> > installed spamassassin. This is what I sent and it did arrive at the
> > list, but I also got a bounce back? I'd like to fix it, just can't find
> > out where to look or what's doing it.
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > The reason the mail was not delivered at this time is:
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: unknown user: "debian_user"
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> It sounds like you're mailing it off to 'debian_user', rather than
> debian-user (which I'm guessing is an alias for the list in your MUA).
> Your MTA sees no domain, and assumes it must be a local address, but
> then there's no local user name that matches, so it fails and bounces.

This is the alias I have in ".muttalias"
alias deb-user Debian User List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've checked everything at these locatins for ANY reference to


I still can't find a reference to "debian_user"

Michelle Alexia "Jade" Storm
Dragon Impersonating a Human and failing.

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