Hi again,

Well I got most of the things I require down.  BTW I got an error when I 
did the 'dpkg -i man-db*'.  It installed but complained at the end and the 
script aborted at line 87... it still works though...

Now the question is I need to get a 2.3MB package onto floppies and then
to the Linux box.  I heard of a split command that does this... is that
true?  How do I go about using it.  The box where I am downloading the
packages to is an NT system (I do have other Unix boxes around if required
to run the split command (e.g. Solaris)). 

If you know how I can go about copying the gcc package (2.xMB) onto
floppies and then to the Linux box please let me know.  Also I assume I
will require the split package on the Linux box too... please let me know
where to find it (I just hope it will fit on a floppy!) ;)

For those of you wondering why all this trouble?  Well my NIC driver is 
not working so I need to compile a patch (yes I have tried other ways but 
none has worked (e.g. getting a precompiled 3c59x.o file etc I even tried 
upgrading the whole kernel! And still got the unresolved symbol error 



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