> > it looks like waiting for the hot 603 is worth it--if you can wait.

> What kind of board is this and how long I have to wait?

It is an amd640 chipset board.  The webpage
(http://www.shuttlela.com/603.html) claims late july.

It will support 1mb of cache ram, bus rates of 83mhz, and cache 256mb.
It also has 3 sdram sockets rather than the 2 on fic motherboards.

I've also gotten email back  from FIC.  Their FA 2007 will support 1mmb
of cache for 256mb of memory.  Tom has run these happilyat 83mhz, and in
his new tests, found it to be the fastest mb for socket 7.  BUt it's
baby at, not atx.  grr.

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