On Sat, 12 Jul 1997, Randy Edwards wrote:

>    Being the Linux newbie that I am, I was wondering there the most
> appropriate place to add the ipfwadm lines would be.
>    I'm thinking they'd be a "natural" for adding to /etc/init.d/network, but
> I was wondering if this is a good place for such commands or whether there's
> a standard place for such things.

Strongly suggest that you make an init script for it in /etc/init.d. And
running update-rc.d afterwards. 

You never know, /etc/init.d/network might be changed by debian or
something and your config. might be wiped out.


                 Andre M. Varon         Lasaltech, Incorported
                 Technical Head         Fax-Tel: (034)433-3520
                 e-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                 web page: http://www.lasaltech.com/andre.html

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