> --pgp-sign-Multipart_Wed_Jul__9_23:00:25_1997-1
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Philippe Troin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 1) If the NIS server is down for a NIS domain, root cannot log on the 
> > console. This is annoying, accounts which are in /etc/passwd (like 
> > root) should be always accessible.

I don't know why it doesn't work, either. 

There is a common trick when managing the root password with nis:
You may have a local user "lroot" and a global nis user "root".
Both have uid 0, but different passwords. Only the system
administrator has access to the global root of all workstations
but each staff member knows the local lroot password of his
desktop system. 

> nsswitch.conf to use "files" if "nis" failes??
Hi, what's that? Sounds interesting!

Cheers, Thomas

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