On Mon, 7 Jul 1997, PATRICK DAHIROC wrote:
> Hi. > > I am planning to obtain your official LINUX two CD Set. I have looked at > the installation page at your site and there was no instruction for a CD > installation. Could you please provide me a set of instruction of the CD > installation, the more detailed the better. > > I also would like to be able to boot to Windows 95 if I need to - is this > possible with your LINUX distribution? If it is could also provide > instruction for this. > > I realize that I have to repartition my hard drive - 1.2GB. Is it > possible to repartition with out wiping out the files that are already > present? Could you also include specific instruction for a multiple > partition, i.e. /usr. > > Last thing, which kernel version is Debian 1.3 based on. Red Hat 4.2 uses > the modular 2.0.30 kennel, is the kernel in Debian 1.3 comparable to this > kernel. If not could you please list the major differences. > > Thanks > Patrick > > -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .