Sorry to take so long to reply. The recent point release has been taking
all my time.
I suspect that your problems are with the ftp method (this was not tested
as extensivly as it should have been)

You indicated that you have tried this 7 times. Was it from scratch each
time? That is, did you start over and do a fresh install each time?

Suggestion: Set up the base system. Download the new libc5 package and
install it with "dpkg -i libc5*.deb 2>&1 |tee install.log". This will put
all the error messages into the file intall.log. If the installation
fails, send me the file.

If you think it might help, you should feel free to call me, but we should
be able to resolve this via e-mail.

With respect to a CD. I'm fairly confident that a CD would work for you
(this sounds like a problem with the ftp method of dselect) and can
provide you with a 1.3.1 CD. If you are interested, let me know.

On Wed, 2 Jul 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is there anyone out there that I could call concerning my problem
> installing debian 1.3.
> I have only had one responce on my posted questions... and am no
> farther ahead than I was a week ago.  
> Whats my problem???  Well ok, let's see, the installation of the base
> system
> works correctly. I can boot my Debian GNU/Linux system from
> harddisk, and I have a network connection.
> Now to the problems. I start dselect, choose ftp as access method, do
> an update this works, select my packages, start install. And then
> it stops with the dpkg-message referring to can't map /lib/libc5.
> I try to install the file libc5_5.4.33-3.deb using dpkg and I get a
> message that says version 4.23-6 is already installed.
> I do get other error messages trying to install other files using the
> dpkg -i method.  I seem to get all sorts of dependency errors.  So I
> try to install the files that the system says it depends on and end up
> back at the can't map /lib/libc5 error.  I also get some kind of error
> that says that the /usr/lib/ file is missing.  I look for it
> and it points to a file in lib/  
> At this point I am confused on whats right and whats wrong.  After
> installing this thing  7 times now and always running up into the same
> error every single install, I don't know where to turn.  The IRC are
> useless and I haven't gotten but one responce on this list.  
> Does anyone know of anyone I can call for help???  If I bought a CD
> would it make a differnece?   Am I talking to brick wall???????????
> Tony Koehn
> slakware is looking real nice right about now........
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_-_-_-_-_-_-                                          _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

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      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
      e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Tallahassee, FL  32308

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