> I have recompiled 2.0.29 Kernel to enable IP forwarding and firewalling.
> When I try to configure ipfwadd it tells me:
> ipfwadm: setsockopt failed: Protocol not available.
> Does somebody have a solution for this problem.
I'm not sure.  You can check to see if they are compiled into the
kernel you are currently running by looking at your /proc/net

Here's what I've got in my /proc/net directory on a system with
IP forwarding, firewalling, accounting, and masquerading...

boots:/proc/net# ls
alias_types    ip_acct        ip_masq_app    route          tcp
aliases        ip_autofw      ip_masquerade  rt_cache       udp
arp            ip_forward     ip_output      snmp           unix
dev            ip_input       raw            sockstat

Of course, there might be something else going on...


 - Jim

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