On 29 Nov 2002, Matthias Hentges wrote:
> Am Fre, 2002-11-29 um 09.13 schrieb Nicolas SABOURET:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I installed spamassassin and I use it "locally" (with a user's .forward 
> > and a .procmailrc, as told in the README file). I also installed razor.
> > How can I make sure whether it is used by spamassassin or not ? 1/3 spam 
> > messages still go through spamassassin.
> > man razor tells to use a procmail rule but 
> > /etc/spamassassin/20_body_tests.cf seems to call razor automagically.
> > Am I wrong ?
> No need for a procmail rule since SA indeed uses razor if it is
> installed.
> -- 
> Matthias Hentges
> [www.hentges.net] -> PGP + HTML are welcome
> ICQ: 97 26 97 4   -> No files, no URLs

It slows things down a lot however. I now use the L switch with
spamassassin to do local checking only. This is very much faster and
doesn't result in many spam messages getting through; I can live with
deleting the few that do.


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