--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The following files are corupt 
These files reside in the /var/lib/dpkg/info directory
could someone or a few poeple even compress those for me
and send them this way ;-)
If they can't be sent, could someone point me in the direction of 
repairing these files
dpkg simply will not work if it can't read the data in files under info
--- end of quote ---

Sorry, I missed your message before;  then again, I probably wouldn't have
known what to do about it until late yesterday anyway.  I'm not going to send
you copies of the files, mostly since I think I only have one of the files you
are missing installed on my system.  However, I ran into the same sort of
problem trying to remove the DES-Solnet package.  I had removed some of the
package by hand previously and dpkg complained that the install was broken and
wouldn't remove the rest of it.  I eventually just deleted the .list file for
that package (and the .prerm and .postrm files, too, I think), then reinstalled
the offending package.  dpkg fussed about the lack of a .list file, but did go
ahead and install the replacement package, which I could then remove easily.  

I think you could probably just delete (or move) the .list files you mentioned,
along with the .prerm and .postrm files, then reinstall the packages in
question.  This would put fresh copies of those files back into
/var/lib/dpkg/info (Fingers crossed, knocking on wood).  This may or may not
work through dselect, depending on whether or not the version number of the
package you are installing is newer than the one it thinks is installed.  

In any case, the .list file is just a plain text file with a list of filenames
belonging to that package, and so should be editable with a plain text editor
(vi, emacs, etc.), but it sounds like the corruption is so bad that just
getting a new copy would be easier.

HTH and good luck.

Stephen Ryan              Debian GNU/Linux 1.3!
Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College

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