On Thu, 26 Jun 1997, Colin R. Telmer wrote:

> On Wed, 25 Jun 1997, Paul Wade wrote:
> > I get the same with smail and I'm not using a smarthost. I think it could
> > be an smail or pine config thing, because you would think that smail would
> > accept the mail right away and pine would continue. Makes me think that it
> > makes an initial delivery attempt at the time. I know that when I have
> > mail in the retry spool, pine runs normally.
> > 
> > If somebody already knows about this, please post it.

I think something about this is mentioned in the buglist. It is one of the
bugs submitted against sendmail, some time ago and there was some
discussion about this being a problem with sendmail. I did not read it at
a very substantial level, but someone more knowledgable than I am in
these matters might want to read it a bit better.
> It seems that when pine did the last major upstream release, the config
> file changed (at least in my case, but I could have changed it awhile
> ago). Anyway edit .pinerc and change sendmail-path (originally blank) to
> the example that is commented out: 
> sendmail-path=/usr/lib/sendmail -oem -t -oi   
> This made my pine lightning fast without the possible problems of using
> the background sending option. 

This did not work for me, nor did the smtp setting, nor the
enable-background-sending option. 

I'm using sendmail and pine and I notice that when I send a message with
pine when I am online, there is never a substantial delay. When I am not
online, there almost always is. I estimate the delay about as long as a
dns lookup timeout.

When I don't include a sendmail-path setting in .pinerc, pine says
"sending mail: 0%" and ps -waux shows a sendmail process waiting for a
child and a sendmail process trying to deliver mail. This is with pine's
backgroud-sending option on. 
When I do include the sendmail-path, I can only see a second instance of
sendmail running, while pine is stuck with the message "sending mail:

Probably waiting while this message is being "sent",


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